The Department of Horticulture, Patiala, Punjab organized a farmer field day for flower seed production at Village Dhablan held on 9th March 2023 at the District of Patiala.
Vegetable seeds for summer are also available for sale in our offices of Patiala Rajpura Nabha Samana Bhunerhedi blocks.
We Here, share with you the insights of this auspicious green day.

Gardening engagements for the month of March
Dr. Sukhdeep Singh Hundal – Deputy Director Horticulture – also – State Nodal Officer, Home Garden, Punjab
This month is the month of the beginning of the hot season, new leaves, new branches, flowers and small fruits are seen on the plants. Evergreen fruit trees like citrus trees, mango, guava, plum etc. can be planted till the first half of this month. Always buy fruiting plants from the Horticulture Department or Punjab Agriculture University nurseries. Do not buy from street vendors or bicycles and plant sellers. Be sure to take care of the spacing before planting. If a garden is to be planted, soil samples should be taken and tested at different depths up to 7 feet. This month, planting evergreen fruit trees, planting summer vegetables, summer flowers and ornamental trees, sambal, honey. Maintenance of bee boxes and preparation for summer mushroom cultivation and attendance at farmer’s fairs are also important tasks.
Fruit Plants
Evergreen fruit trees like citrus trees, mango, guava, plum, etc. can be planted in this month. Always buy fruit bearing plants from the Department of Horticulture, Punjab Agricultural University or registered nurseries. Be sure to take care of the spacing before planting. If you want to plant a garden, then with the advice of a horticultural expert, you must take soil samples from different depths up to 7 feet and select the fruitful plants based on the report. It is also very important to keep proper distance between them while planting. Support the newly planted plants with sticks to keep them upright and take special care of watering. Keep breaking off the branches coming out from the bottom of the plant. Give water as required for fruit size increase in plum, guava plants. In the first week, when the color of plum fruits changes, 1 ml. Dissolve Ethephon medicine in one liter of water and spray so that the fruits ripen two weeks earlier. 2.5 ml for protection against citrus blight of citrus plants. Confidor 17.8 SL Or 0.3 g of Actara 25 strength and spray 3 g of copper oxychloride per 1 liter of water to prevent wilting of plants. 1.6 ml for the prevention of chharappamar oil and white disease when mango plants flower. of malathion and 2.5 g of soluble sulfur or 1 ml. Spray 1 liter of water at an interval of 10 days until the flowers and leaves fall. Apply soluble sulfur spray at 28 degrees Celsius or in the evening. To prevent weeds, do the planting.
If we have not cultivated hot season vegetables yet, then we must cultivate them to meet our family needs. Therefore, by bringing a vegetable seed kit from the Department of Horticulture or Punjab Agricultural University, which contains seeds of Ghia Kadu, Chapan Kadu, Halwa Kadu, Ghia Tori, Bitter gourd, Tinda, Okra, Lobia, Tar, Cucumber etc. should be planted. Make sure to apply native manure in the soil before sowing. For cultivation of okra, use seeds from Punjab Padmani, Punjab-7, Punjab-8 at the rate of 60 grams of seeds per marla. Soak the seeds in warm water overnight for better germination. While preparing the land, apply 280 grams of urea fertilizer per marla, one and a half in east to west direction.
Make pots at a distance of feet and sow 4-5 seeds per square at a distance of half a foot towards the south side. At the time of sowing 263 varieties of bean, 280 gm urea, 625 gm super phosphate and 100 gm potash fertilizer and 50-60 gm seed per marla. Keep a distance of one and a half feet between pots and half a foot between plants. The type of pepper is CH. Sow 1, CH3, CH27, Punjab Sandhuri, Punjab Tez, Punjab Guchchedar, Punjab Surakh. Before preparation of kiari, add 250 gm urea, 470 gm single superphosphate and 125 gm potash fertilizer and spread it at two and a half feet above the pots and two feet between plants. Use 30 gm seed per marla for nursery sowing of Agri Found Dark Red in Onion. 4 ml for prevention of thrips in onion. Spray malathion 50 strength per liter of water. Apply second dose of 340 gm urea to tomato and keep watering after 10-12 days to produce good flowers and fruits. Spray 3.5 g of Indofil M-45 to prevent late blight and 2 ml to prevent fruit rot. Indoxacarb 14.5 strength or 6 ml. Spray Karina 50 strength per liter of water. Before placing the seed potato crop in the store, thoroughly sort and remove and destroy the potatoes infected with blight, blight and scab.

Flowers and ornamental plants & Mushrooms/ Dhingri
Tropical flowers such as Cosmos, Glaurdia, Gomphrina, Kochia, Zinnia, Parchulaica can be sown in this month. Preparations for replanting grass can also be done in this month and so Korean, Calcutta, Selection No.1 varieties. can be chosen from New ornamental trees, shrubs, vines etc. can be planted. Dig one meter diameter pits for planting trees and half meter diameter pits for bushes and fill it with native manure equal to half of the soil and fill it again and plant the saplings. Take special care of watering the rose plants to get the best flowers.
It is also a good time to start beekeeping. Honeybees help in increasing the yield of the crops and also become a source of additional income. So by taking training in this work, it can be adopted as a subsidiary business. So the horticulture department also gives subsidy.
Training Course
Skill Development Center (Phone No: 0161-2401960 Ext. 261) P.A.U. Ludhiana. You can get information about the training courses from Ludhiana and contact your nearest Krishi Vigyan Kendra.