Patiala, an esteemed city renowned for its historical significance and sacred aura, stands proudly as the “City of Gardens.” Its rich heritage is intricately woven with the visionary contributions of Maharaja Baba Ala Singh, the city’s founder. The legacy he established during the Pepsu period of his dynasty includes the magnificent Baradari Gardens, a botanical haven adorned with an impressive array of rare fruits, plants, and ornamental flowers, solidifying Patiala’s reputation for natural beauty.

At the heart of these gardens lies a wide area of biodiversity, where different varieties of mango, such as Large Bonsai, Dussehri, Chausa, Fazli, Amarpali, and the venerable Mallika, have flourished for over five decades. This has not only added to the city’s allure but has also become a testament to the Maharaja’s commitment to horticultural excellence.

Within the Baradari Gardens, a government nursery has blossomed into a symbol of botanical expertise. Here, a diverse range of fruit plants, including mango, guava, beet, jamun, citrus varieties, pholsa, fig, grape, kathal, peach, and plum, are carefully cultivated. This nursery has earned widespread acclaim, attracting plant enthusiasts from Punjab and neighboring provinces who seek out its high-quality saplings.

The success of the nursery can be attributed to the favorable climate and fertile soil of the region, creating an ideal environment for the cultivation of superior plant life. As a result, the plants produced in Baradari Gardens stand out for their exceptional quality. The saplings, known for their high-yielding, disease-free, and robust characteristics, have garnered a dedicated following among gardening enthusiasts, further enhancing the nursery’s reputation as a horticultural gem in the region. The Baradari Gardens not only showcase the natural beauty of Patiala but also serve as a flourishing hub where individuals come to connect with the vibrant nature of plant life and carry a piece of it to enrich their own gardens.



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