On January 8, Honorable Dr. Satvir Singh Gosal, Vice Chancellor Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana visited Citrus Estate, Bhunga (Haryana). During this visit, Hon’ble Dr. BVC Mahajan, Director PHPTC Punjab also visited the place.
Due to the cold weather in Punjab, the local demand for Kinu is low, so it is sent to the other states of India like West Bengal, Assam, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala etc. It is very important to wax and grade the fruit of Kinu for sending it to foreign markets, by waxing, the self-life of Kinu increases up to 45-60 days.
The fruit should be marketed by grading and waxing itself. Bhunga has a grading waxing unit and also has its own official pesticide/medicine shop.
You can learn More about this Visit from News articles printed by various Media Outlets.